booterservice via telegram are the new norm, while booterservices advertised via web are still available. all prices are in the same ranges as the years before, kaspersky has an analysis on the prices in 2023

Layer 3/4

  • 1 GB: 1$/Day (Booter-Sevice)
  • 50 GB: 25$/Day (booterservices and DDoS for hire)
  • 100 GB: 50$/Day (DDoS for Hire)
  • 500 GB+: 1000$/Day (DDoS for Hire)

Layer 7 (Web)

  • 10.000 RPS: 1$/Day (Booter-Service)
  • 50.000 RPS: 20$/Day (DDoS for Hire)
  • 100.000 RPS + protected Services: 50$/Day (DDoS for Hire)
  • max: 10.000/Month (DDoS for Hire)


prices have been stable over the last 3 years, especially for services you can buy on darknet-markets. the only service with a significant drop is attacks against "protected services".

booterservices still ranging from 5-30$/month and varying booter-times

Layer 3/4

  • 1 GB: 1$/Day (Booter-Sevice)
  • 50 GB: 25$/Day
  • 100 GB: 50$/Day
  • 500 GB+: 1000$/Day

Layer 7 (Web)

  • 10.000 RPS: 1$/Day (Booter-Service)
  • 50.000 RPS: 20$/Day
  • 100.000 RPS + protected Services: 30$/Day
The average cost of a DDoS attack is $ 26 / hour. A botnet is commonly used in attacks. DDoS-as-a-Service has become a popular business model. Hackers charge an hourly or even monthly fee to sustain the attack as much as the customer wants. Some charge extra for DDoS-protected site attacks. src: securitylab.ru


SRC: Dark Web Price Index 2020

Layer 3/4

  • 1 GB: 1$/Day (Booter-Sevice)
  • 10 GB: 60$/Day
  • 100 GB: 200$/Day
  • 500 GB+: 1000$/Day

Layer 7 (Web)

  • 10.000 RPS: 1$/Day (Booter-Service)
  • 50.000 RPS: 60$/Day
  • 100.000 RPS + protected Services: 200$/Day


Layer 3/4

  • 1 GB: 25$/Tag
  • 10 GB: 50$/Tag
  • 100 GB: 1000$/Tag

Layer 7 (Web)

  • 1.000 RPS: 25$/Tag
  • 10.000 RPS: 50$/Tag
  • 100.000 RPS: 300$/Tag