Jun 26, 2023 ddos advanced ai redteam attack layer7 Attack of the clones the following though-experiment derives from our HALO-Attack/Refeverse HTTP-Reflection-Article Description To illustrate the scale of this attack method, let's consider a small thought
Jun 12, 2023 ddos mitigation defence blueteam layer7 Geofencing as an Effective Defense Against Layer 7 DDoS Attacks TL;DR: Geofencing can be a valid protectionmechanism when facing current hacktivism-threats, but shouldnt be the only option you have.
Jun 9, 2023 ddos noname hacktivism Ports and Logistics are the new Targets of NoName057 Over the last week, starting 2023-06-04, NoName057 started to concentrate their attacks on Ports, Port Authorities and Logistics Companies.
May 31, 2023 ddos advanced redteam layer7 attack stack HALO-Attack // Reverse HTTP Amplification Have you ever heard of the "Halo-drive", a method to slingshot a Laserbeam around a Black hole to gain energy and use that