Oct 25, 2023 analysis blueteam booter ddos defence mitigation purehuman no_AI threatintel New Tactics from Booterservices New TTP allows booterservice to mitigate GeoFencing
Oct 23, 2023 analysis advanced blueteam defence ddos layer7 no_AI purehuman redteam threatintel tools protocol http2 HTTP/2 attacks measured (Floods and RapidReset) a comparison of HTTP/2 RapidReset vector-potential vs established vectors: IoT/HTTP/2 Multiplexing
Oct 10, 2023 advanced analysis blueteam ddos defence no_AI purehuman redteam threatintel tools Layer-7 Bots capabilities (IoT vs PseudoBrowser vs Browser) A comparison of IoT-Bots, Pseudobrowsers and Browserbots used in Layer-7-DDoS-Attacks
Jun 12, 2023 ddos mitigation defence blueteam layer7 Geofencing as an Effective Defense Against Layer 7 DDoS Attacks TL;DR: Geofencing can be a valid protectionmechanism when facing current hacktivism-threats, but shouldnt be the only option you have.